This kid is my best friend.

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2000-07-31 - 23:47:34

i wont even explain why i never updated when i said i would, because there is no actual reason except laziness and not being near a computer. we never did end up going to the drive in that nite.....we went to the mall, chuckie cheese, and rented a movie. anyway, the rest of my trip was really fun..we shopped, went out to eat, watched movies, played golf, got ice cream, and visited my friend chris common. coming home yesterday was so sad.(sitting in pittsburgh for 4 hours was so lonely) i feel so lost in my home. literally. i forget where things in the kitchen are kept, and what channels are what on the tv. i definitely feel like i dont belong. but that's ok cos im moving on sept 16. and ill be back in ohio one month from today. im hot and sweaty at the mo, ive been learning the routine to "its gonna be me". i have the first section down which isnt bad. its fun and good exercise...gets the heart going! i cant wait til i do the whole thing without having to watch the guys and just with the CD going. tomorrow it's back to work for me. yay, well money IS good. i stayed in my pajamas til 7pm today. i love doing that once in a while. if i make that too much of a habit i feel like my life is being wasted. i just need to get back into the swing of things. hopefully aug will fly by. tyler just Imd me...he's making fun of me for learning the N*sync dance. he's just jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!later allxoxo

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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