This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-11 - 21:34:59

im sitting next to selen. shes talking in turkish.......its so amazingly cool. i love her language. im learning words. i want dondurma ( ice cream ). or some yemek ( food )....friendly's was out of the dondurma we wanted. and there are no other ice cream places around here. blah!

i brought a spice girls lunch box to school today...i used it as my purse cos i didnt bring my bag. anyway the bottom line is its crazy how many comments i got because of it. from the little kid on the the indian woman at store an actor in one of the plays im working for. spice girlz makes the world go 'round!

im talking to this rockin dude named greg at my old school but we call him greggy. he SO rulz!!!!! he has a radio show here called midnite JAM with this german kid KOSTA who also rulz the earth we live on. i miss these kids!!! i was in my friend daves room tonite and i was scared because this kid was hugging me and kissing me but he didnt even know me. quite disturbing.....anyway someone wants to write something!!!

ello this isy Seleny and I am Em's gf... ( girlfriend) anyway we r a very happy couple planning 2 get married someday soon because we don't wanna suffer from GUYS!!! jejejjeje anyway gotta go cause we wanna spend sometimes 2gether ALONE>>>> if u guys don't mind.... hehehe





the funny thing is people at this school must actually believe that we ARE together. hehehehe whatever!!!!!!!!!!! later skaters

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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