This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-19 - 00:41:48

hey hey. im updating again. im in the mood so there. bye!

jk. watchin the bradys. i reread a whole book about them today. i swear i am omnipotent when it comes to them.

im talking to carolyn. i miss her soo much. i miss lots of people who went away. but next week they are all coming back just to see me! well maybe not, but im gonna have a party or something cos i just must meet and greet with everyone. i love my friends!

i talked to this dude on the train tonite. he recommended that i get a book for the commute cos i was tellin him how i cant stand taking the train. maybe i will, im so not a book person though. i mean a real book. i have a hard time registering things in my brain. maybe ill try the babysitters club or something.

im soo tired but at the same time im not. its weird, like i could fall into a deep sleep but im wide awake. youd think i drank coffee but i hate coffee! i dreamt i met my aol friend jim last nite but he turned out to be an old man. it was really weird. i think the reason why i dreamt that is because right before i went to bed last nite i was tellin him how he should meet this girl from aol and hes all like that is so weird. anyway the dream was kinda freaky but i know he is not an old man. haaaaaaa peter and bobby look so funny at the mo. they are all scared cos the girls are playing a trick on them that a ghost is in the attic. ha ha ha. this show is right up there with the wonder years.

im so hungry but i might as well wait til tomorrowy. theres no point in eating now. yay, nothing to do tomorrow. n-o-t-h-i-n-g well until 6pm that is. i can sleep yay yay. the one good thing about this play thing, i have met some really nice and genuine people. seishi.......he's from tokyo japan. he is on sound so he chills in the party light booth with me and jeff and/or bridget depending on whos stage managing. seisha is just the mac daddy. he is a professional dj/spinner. he's spinning next wed nite at club envy and im definitely gonna go there to support. he rules. then there's jeff. him and i love to have random conversations during the show. tonite we discussed relationships, drinking ( how i dont ), and other various topics. he's just a nice kid. next is matt finn. i love him! i wish he wasnt gay he is just too cute for words. he designed one of the sets and the cool thing about it is every piece of furniture is a diff colour of the rainbow. i lovvvvvvvvve it. he is so sweet. and quite the cutey. ALAN-is just my hero. he's playing the funniest character in one of the shows and even though ive seen it about 10 times he still makes me laugh. he is an all around nice guy, rarely seen without a smile on his face. alan definitely rocks my world. dave...dave dave dave. cool kid who runs things and does publicity. i got to know him a bit more today and he's a really good guy. he has alot to talk about and has many cool stories. this is his last sem. at suffolk. ill miss him!!!! dan. aka dan the man. he's a zany boy who can sometimes be annoying, but i mean you just gotta love him. sometimes he needs some direction, but all around he's a damn nice person. his comments are just too funny. finally is matt dolan. his boston accent is so strong its craziness. he does the tinkerbell spotlite, he likes to ice skate. we can bond about that. i wanna go sometime soon!!!!! well those are all the cool peeps i get to chill and work with. im rambling so badly. its ending NOW

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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