This kid is my best friend.

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2000-04-20 - 15:15:27

hey hey hey today is *get ready day*

i just got home from school. im feelin kinda crampy but it comes and goes...its annoying. i have to do alot of stuff like vaccuum, clean the bathroom(s), and go to the grocery store with my mom. my grandpa is doing alot better. he'll be goin home soon which rules. i visited him again last nite. i hope it isnt rainy on easter, i wanted to go to the beach..if not we will go another day i guess. im psyched cos erin is home this weekend til tues so ill get to see her too. tomorrow nite we're going to boston and meeting selen and laural for dinner and cosmic bowling on lansdown st. should be great fun! oh yeah my sister fell down the stairs last nite at my house, i thought she was really hurt but it was funny ONLY because she was laughing too. i was on the phone with selen and she heard it too! well i gotta go clean my house now!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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