This kid is my best friend.

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2000-04-10 - 18:37:44

i am back once again and the weekend flew by once again! it seemed like the whole weekend ty and i were saying put this in the journal! dont ask why. the weekend was filled with laughs and great great times ( and loads of eating too! ) ill start off with a little story before i went there. i was on the train on my way to the airport. i double checked the time and date on my ticket and i noticed something very bad. at the part that says name of passenger it said "Kobelenz, Marcella". that is very bad since that is my mother's name!!!!! you arent allowed to interchange tickets between people for some reason. so i called my travel agent when i got to North station but they were wicked mean to me saying there was nothing i could do. i was in such despair while riding the T when suddenly <"ding!!" -a light bulb appears- > i had an idea, and hopefully this would work. see , they require you to show your photo ID if you are 18 or over......but i really dont look 18 to most people. and boy am i lucky because it worked! going there and coming back i told them i didnt have to show id because i was 17. for once looking young pays off because i was going to have to buy a ticket right then and there at the airport and that woulda cost ALOT! so after that dilemma everything went smoothly. i was nervous flying but alot less last time. i think its because of the speech i did. i just kept repeating the facts and statistics in my head when i got scared...such as during turbulence id think "it's just the jetstream. the plane is happy" heheheh. well like i said the weekend was a blast. we had a really good time so ill list some things we did. it's easier that way!

-staying at a GREAT hotel where the dude said i didnt look old enough to get a room and Id'd me. ( its all good )

-indoor pool and jacuzzi!!!!!! Friday nite we watched a lightning storm while swimming and sat during the day it was snowing!! heh ALSO. there was a creed concert that nite but it was postponed and there were people at our hotel who were supposed to be there. let's say they were SKETCHY SKETCHY. but we met them at the pool fri nite also!! and these truckers were hogging the jacuzzi all weekend ( me and ty were scared of them. well i was )this chica asked us if we were drinkin' beer in the jacuzzi. we were like UM NO!!!!!!!! (SXE SXE SXE)

-olive garden friday nite......tyler took my chicken on a fork and hid it behind a menu and refused to let me eat it ( well i got it back! ) (he's vegetarian remember)

-going to pizza hut twice in one day within an hour

-thinking tyler's mom was behind us!!!

-donut popems from krogers

-tyler thinking that this dude was giving him an entertainment coupon book for free ( he didnt know that people sell those, so he was like sure ill have one! )

-tyler wasting money on a claw game trying to win a roadkill beanie baby complete with tire marks

-toys R us ( i played on a pogoball, remember those??? )

-getting lost going to strange brew

-:::at a stop light that is red::: tyler goes to make right thinking a car is in front of him but i had to inform him, it was a parked car!

-finding a beautiful park where we went on a swing with a never-ending river and millions of cute ducks ( 2 were being carried away by the current it was sad )

-going to the salvation army to find it was closed

-steak and shake which gave me a TUMMY ACHE!

-bob evans and the fruit plate


well those are just some highlites but once again it was a jam packed weekend filled with FUN!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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