This kid is my best friend.

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2000-03-11 - 14:13:20

OATMEAL CREAM PIES ARE SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! im at work and i just had a great lunch. i went and got everyone's food and i picked up some oatmeal cream pies for dessert ( everyone loves them here ). if you guys havent tried them yet i urge you to check them out!!!! its snowing out! how weird is this? it was 70 on thurs and now there are flakes everywhere. well, atleast it isnt accumulating. im working on my ethics midterm ( well sorta ) and its really hard. she gave us 4 questions and we have to answer 3 of them and each answer has to be 2 pages typed. it doesnt sound that hard but the questions are really hard!!!!! im basically done with the first question and its only 1 page typed. i hate how teachers do that. you should answer questions in whatever amount YOU need to, whether it be larger or smaller than 2 pages. the paper ends up being worse since most try to make it longer with filler stuff that doesnt even make any sense. oh well. today is going well. i havent done much. i figured out how to get on aol on one of the guy's computers. all the guys were amazed on how much i knew! i am now everyone's official computer consultant here at work! oh yeah i am SO excited. i am getting a bunny!!!! i can't have one at home because i have 2 cats but a guy i work with was mentioning how they used to have a rabbit who they kept out in the back in this cage that they built, but the guy who owned it stopped working here and took the bunny along. i proceeded to tell them how i LOVE bunnies and want one soooooooo much!!!! and he said i could get one and it could be mine and i can take care of it and stuff, but it would just live at the store! i checked out the cage and its pretty big, its made out of this huge old crate turned upside down. im so happy though, cos ill have my own cutie bunny!! i want to get a fat one just like chelsea's ! ( my cousin ). well im going over matt's tonite, i havent seen him in almost 4 months! its crazy. me, him, and liz are probably going to rent a movie since we are all poor. should be grrrrrrreat fun!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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