This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-23 - 10:51:51

:::sighhhhhh::: i tried updating this last nite. my internet wasnt working. it was very annoying. i am sooo exhausted. god im annoyed. this rarely happens. i have loads to talk about. alright im supposed to be in psychology class right now. but i went in got my test, saw the grade and walked out. i was sooooooo pissed. ok, so i got a 76. to some that may seem good......but i knew so much info that she didnt even ask about. i hate my fuckin teacher. shes such a bitch and i couldnt stay in that room. i couldnt stand it. my friend elvin was like whaaaaaa? when i got up and left. whatever. thats the last time i study for a week for a test.

ok, good news. i got a new job. this place rules. its this carpet place. im gonna be working in an office with these 2 ladies just helping them out with answering the phones and stuff. they are sooo nice there too. they let me make my own hours. so im working m w f 10-3 and sat 10-4. i have tues and thurs classes next sem so it should all work out. i start at 8$/hour but he said ill get a raise after a bit. ya ya ya, ill have xmas money.

i got to hang out with nate last nite. he is really a genuine guy. he came and got me and took me on a tour of his town. i got to see all the houses of his band members..( 'open up' ). he's so cool, polite, and very respectable. we went and visited selen around 1230am. i cant stand her new bf. he told me to watch what selen eats on thanksgiving cos she has a prob with her stomach ( meaning the way she looks ). and he was so serious. i was just like so pissed. why can i never like selen's boyfriends?? and he was all like why did you come here???? cos we only stayed for like 20 min cos it was gettin late. gawdddddd...

i could not get to sleep last nite til like 4am. it sucked hardcore. sure paying for it now. this sux. i have so many people to email back..i feel bad if i can't get back to someone right away. im listening to h20. they make me :)

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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