This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-06 - 23:25:48

yo yo yo whats the scenario. im soooooooooo exhausted. i hate work. i need a new job asap!!!! brad walked out last nite. im sad cos he was the best. i dont even know why im writing in this. not much goin down yo. i got home at 4am last nite(today really). last nite i had a really good time. me, selen, memo ( her bro ), his housemate ( james was his name ? ), and laural we all went out to dinner in boston and then went to avalon. well just us girlz went to avalon cos the boys are boring. it was soo funny. well first of all we tried to get into M80 even though we arent 21. memo totally made it seem like he could get us in but it didnt happen! i didnt care cos i wanted to go to avalon in the first place! anywayz i always find these guys who i think are a certain way and then end up being totally opposite. im surprised i havent learned my lesson! selen got a neat gay guy talking to her, i think he was on E or somethin, but he was nice. there were these guys from other countries and they just danced so funny i luved it. and laural got nappy ones dancing with her. poor lori. next time is axis. it has to be. that is MY club. yes its true i own it.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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