This kid is my best friend.

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2000-05-12 - 22:00:44

ok im about to start this but im going to talk to my granny(on the phone)......

im back...not like you noticed a difference. i just got my grades online....ethicsB-,englishB+,speechB+,advanced topics in philosophyB+,and philosophy of religionA-. sweet! 3.26.......better than my 2.97 last semester, although whats a gpa anyway????

im going to Vt tomorrow, with my mom and sis.....just for a nite..cos on sunday we are attending a college graduation of a close friend of the family. it should be interesting.

i got my new car on wed, it is stylin! i like it alot and it passed the inspection of the people at my work so i guess that is good!!! it's silver(kinda sparkly) 2000 cavalier.

nothing else exciting is going on other than the fact that erica thinks luke is hot hot hot!!!!!!!!!! and cute cute cute!!!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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