This kid is my best friend.

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1999-12-24 - 22:41:29

xmas is close!!!! only 1 and a half hours. woohoo! i like 4 july better. that is definitely the best holiday. everyone celebrates it, no rushing around, its summer!, fireworks, the beach, food. yeah thats my fave holiday. xmas is cool too though don't get me wrong. allison and i were out all day today shopping and stuff. we made this video kinda like a documentary it was really coo. i was getting my clothes together tonitey for FL, and i was pumped coz im gonna get to wear tank tops and shorts. i love summer!!!! i went to church tonite the candle light service type deal. i loved singing the songs, it was a great service too. they are so non-judgemental at this certain one i went to. that is what i like. wotz everyone doing 4 new years???

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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