This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-18 - 19:22:58

man i only have 15 minutes to write in this. where has all the time gone?????? i always go to write and then something comes up! and then i never have the time to write everything that is up. ill try my best. the show is in 45 minutes. i brought a book with me to read i dont have to pay attention really until the stage manager says light # and GO!! and then all i do is press a button. yes im so important. busy busy busy, that is me! i just went to fanueil hall to eat ........... as i always do....... and i happened to run into 2 kids from my class who are involved with the play as well. i had a great time laughing and joking around with these 2 guys. they are cool. im usually eating alone so it was very nice to have company. i might be getting a job at a dentist office in acton. it would be cool and plus i have experience. im hoping on this one. if not ill find another office job .... preferably local cos i dont wanna deal with driving in the snow. i refuse to drive in snow. i HATE IT! i really wish i could listen to some music right now..but i left my cd player in the i guess ill just have to sing in my head. la la la! i got my stuff from alloy in the mail today and none of it fits i dont really know why but oh well. my dad is gonna buy me a plane ticket to ohio instead to visit my friends. well he said hed buy me clothes too. but that is cool. so now i dont have to worry about purchasing a plane ticket..i know i can get a good deal though. i get to see selen and laural tomorrow nitey!! yay...we are going to go to lucky star. our fave chinese place although its real name is lucky corner but for some reason i always refer to it as lucky star. i think it sounds better heeheh. me and laural need guys. we are like doomed to be eternally single. we hate them, we are independent as hell...but we love them!!!!! selen on the other hand broke up with john and started going out with another guy the same day!!!! she doesnt waste any time, but she's so loveable. im jealous of her boyfriend heheeh. oh yeah how cool is this i got home last nite from rehearsal around 12 and i went to check my mail and there were 9 or 10 mails just from tyler alone. how cute is that??? i felt speciaaaaalllll. it was enjoyable to read, cos him and i are so alike. its soooo weird. but in a cooly way. a very cooly way. alright ive gotz to go call my lover nowy. ( selen!!!!!! ) even though she has a bf im still # 1!! word 'em up!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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