This kid is my best friend.

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2000-04-17 - 18:11:31

im back....sorry i havent written, i dont really have an excuse. it doesnt matter really. today is marathon monday. i was able to catch some of the action here and there at work, ( they had the tv on there ). i hope to go down there sometime and watch it live, it seems really exciting. this is my last full week of school. not like any full week is considered a full week for me, but tuesday is my last day. and then the week after i have two finals, not bad at all. my grandfather is in the hospital. i went to visit him yesterday, he is a living miracle. he almost died, but his son saved him with cpr. i really wanna learn it now more than ever, i did in 7th grade but who actually paid attention back then? all i can remember is everyone giggling when it came time to give mouth to mouth to the doll things. saturday was awesome- it was matt's bday party ( even though his bday isnt til 04/29 ). he's turning 22! anyway it was matt and 4 girls! i guess none of his guy friends could go but none-the-less it was rockin! it was me selen laura and his girlfriend liz. the cool part is he made us all dinner! and i brought an ice cream pie from friendly's ( reese's peanut butter cup )yummm. after dinner we did a campfire in matt's woods and roasted marshmallows. i was nervous that some scary person was lurking about in the woods, oh well i guess im just too precautious. but i had a great time with everyone that nite. i havent seen laura since xmas so it was awesome to see her. i also introduced her to selen that nite and they got along great which i knew they would. ANYONE can get along with selen, she's just the sweetest! tyler is coming friday.......yay! hooray! can't wait... :) :) ( neither can he!! ) i gotta go shopping tonite for 2 nice outfits. one for easter and the other for this party that we have to go to on saturday nite. well, ill end this now....ill try to update more frequently. peeeeaaaacccceee

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the good ol' dayz

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