This kid is my best friend.

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2000-07-01 - 15:48:44

i wish i could force myself to update more often, but it never happens!!!! i always think of things i want to write about but they end up getting lost in my mind and time. once again it is saturday and im slacking at work. as a matter of fact i got into work at 10 and signed right on to aol and i received an IM from my mother stating : "goofing off already?" well YEAH ofcourse it IS saturday.

i am all alone in a sxe room and noone is coming in. they must all be asleep. i think we are closing at 1 today....thats good and bad. good cos i can go home, bad cos i lose some hours. im turning into a work-a-holic but i cant help. i just feel if im not doing anything during the week i might as well make as much money possible rather than wasting it by watching tv all day. to me,taking a day off is like losing $52. pathetic i know. sweet 2 dudes just came into the room. anyway, the phone is ringing a lil. so im not completely useless here. some people say it looks like im losing weight especially my mom. too bad im not trying to. its weird cos like 4-5 months ago i know i weighed like 130/133 and i just weighed myself the other day and i weigh like 123/124. i have no idea how i lost that much all i can think of is the surgery. maybe that combined with the fact that i dont drink soda anymore. well ill just keep eating ice cream to maintain myself :)

i cant wait for july 4. it is truly my fave holiday its so fun i love fireworks, parades, food, sun, summer, sparklers, and swimming. well im going to go talk to these dudes b4 they ditch me. peace im out.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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