This kid is my best friend.

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2000-01-27 - 20:53:57

word. i have been such a computer loser all day. i swear i have been on for hours. well i had a break for like an hour. i met my dad for dinner and we were laughing at everyone who had like all this meat on their plate. he began to tell me about these people at this breakfast buffet once who had like plates and plates of ham on their table. nappyness. my dad is such the man!!!!! he rocks da casbah!!! i told him about jackie getting married and june and how erin and i are bridesmaids. most parents would be like whaaaaattttt shes too young!!!!! but he was just like "that sounds like fun!" haha im talking to gaz ive been talking to him for like 2 hours. hes really nice. i chilled with him this summer. he is chris' ( from england ) best friend. i talked to tyler at 630am today. i called him while he was in the shower!!! whoops. well hearing his voice motivated me to get going. i love his voice. so caring and calm. hehheheheehheheh i miss him, wish it was 10pm.hahah gaz is too funny, i swear i just it find it so amusing how he likes britney spears and not just for her looks. EVIDENCE:

SparkleEmK: do you like britney spears for her music or her looks


RMNETWO: and i think theirs a little plastic in ther aswell

SparkleEmK: if she was ugly would you still like her music?

RMNETWO: thats kinda nice


SparkleEmK: you would??


SparkleEmK: if she was ass ugly youd still dig her tunes?

RMNETWO: born to make u happy is good


SparkleEmK: ha!


silly ol' brit!!!! ya gotta love him cos he's english....they dont know anything hahahhah JK JK JK! seriously though i dont know why but all the kids there love pop music. oh well, to each his own. pop aint dat bad. they finally got an 0800 number so they can use the net for free. it sux over there, you even have to pay to call your own neighbor. id be so dead with a phone bill as if im not already. well im not, i budget my time. i even have a phone schedule! arent i so organized? i can call ty mon-thur for an hour a day and then fri-sun for 2 hours a day. if i stick to that schedule i can afford it. but ofcourse im sure ill go over knowing us hehehe. which reminds me. 2 weeks from today i will be there!!!!!!! and today is also very special as it marks the longest amount of time ive gone out with someone. im a loser the longest i went out with someone before was 2 months and 3 days and well now its 2 months and 4 days today!!!! congratulations tyler you are sooooooooo COOL!!!!!!!! alrighty time for bed soon, well not really but yknow

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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