This kid is my best friend.

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2000-05-08 - 18:14:00

webriot is in the background..this show is so boring. maybe its cos ive never taken the effort to pay attention. either way its boring! erin's coming home from school tomorrow for the summer..yay! and carolyn this weekend i think. and laura next week too. im glad cos i really miss everyone.

i worked 8-4 today which wasnt bad at all. i was FREEZING cos of the air-conditioning....dont get me wrong though, im not complaining at all. i want ice cream's the perfect nite for it ( although in my eyes ANY nite is the perfect nite! )i just have to decide do i want...........a reese's pnut butter cup sundae?. dairy-queen?. or sullivan farms?.....hmmm ill prob go to D-Q cos i havent been there in ages. i also gotta grab some mother's day cards as well. i sent in my housing application, i basically put id take any single possible, the substance free thing, APTs, or upperclass dorms. hopefully something good will come out of it but i dont think ill know til the end of the summer anyway. oh yeah..........tyler told his mom my real age and that im going to osu next year. its great because she doesnt mind at all. he's really happy though, cos he has a whole load off of his shoulders. i think the reason why im turned off by webriot is the host....he's annoying. im also mad cos the realworld reunion was played i think 10 times this weekend and i still didnt get to see it. i dont know what my deal is. i went to on the border yesterday...i really really recommend this restaurant..and if you go request jeremy as your server cos he is the man!!!!! we had him a month ago and he came over to our table ( me, my mom, and sis ) and chilled with us and just talked and stuff he's wicked cool!! alright well dinner is ready...........wasnt this entry just soooo amazing??!?

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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