This kid is my best friend.

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2000-02-08 - 12:51:15

im meeting selen in 25 min. im staaavin! people must think im always hungry after reading alot of my entries, welll the fact-in-the matter on that one is I AM!!! ok gotta type as fast possible......

public speaking was a joke today. my teach wasnt there so this graduate student showed us a video with 5 students from the midwest i think chicago or something and they each gave a speech and we just had to grade them. their accents were soo annoying!! but we got out 45 min early so that was very cool.

im dressed for valentine's day today..i just realized i have alot of pink and red attire.....well i think its pretty!

i hate when i have something to talk about then i forget what it is in an instant...ill just have to think for a second.

oh yeah!! big update!!! my friend jackie.....whom i dearly love just sent me an email. well she just recently got engaged ( yeah thats big in itself! ) so at first the weddin g was in 2 years.....then she changed it to this summer....then to, ladies and gentlemen...the date has been chosen. may6. yes thats right MAY 6 of this year, the year 2000! my good friend from highschool who is YOUNGER than me ( shes 19 ) is tying the knot in less than 3 months!!!!!!! erin and i still have yet to grasp this concept! i feel so old! i dont think it will actually hit me until i see her in her dress..or im walking down the aisle in the ceremony. its craziness...if we were older it may seem realistic, but i feel as though i should be the flower girl or something! not a bridesmaid to my FRIEND. well those are my thoughts, but dont get me wrong i am EXTREMELY happy for her. tim is the greatest guy...hes so nice and sincere. i was there the day they met and im proud to witness they day they marry. i also think its funny how erin met him minutes before jackie did. its all thanks to erin! cos erin is the one who introduced them at the club.

ok!!!!! i gotta run and meet my girl.....lunch awaits me....woohoo!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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