This kid is my best friend.

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2000-06-24 - 19:29:35

i am at work. it's funny how im being paid to do nothing. i just asked this guy who my boss was today cos i couldnt figure out who was.....he replied"u are". enough said!

i have such a headache. i think it's a combination of

a) surfing the net all day

b) eating only carbohydrates today (a bagel and 2 eggo's)

c) only getting like 5 hours of sleep last nite

some people can survive on that amount of sleep. i on the other hand can't. i need atleast 8 hours to make it through the day. im lucky i didnt have to do anything here today.

i went to see the goonies last nite. they are such a great band. actually, they are the only band left in the local scene that i actually care and pay attention to anymore. it's sad but true. i dont know it's something about their music that grasps my fancy. ive been wanting them to come out with an album ever since the day i bought all in the family in 1999. now finally, this friday it goes on sale. i cant say that many band's music touches my heart so for some unexplainable reason this band is very special to me.

i'm not doing anything tonite by choice. i could go out to pizzaria uno avec allison and erin but i am way too tired. i got my course offering catalog from ohio state the other day, you wouldnt believe the classes i can take....turkish, figure skating, classical arabic poetry, intro to food processing....the list goes on and on. i hope ill have the opportunity to take a lot of interesting classes while balancing out my core curriculum. i mean i am supposed to be a junior, i will be in the fall but the last thing i wanna do is fall behind. ok well im really bored. i think ill leave in 20 minutes and go home and take a nap. sounds like a plan. :)

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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