This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-30 - 23:11:23

im soooooooo exhausted. school was so pointless today, but lately i havent been learning anything!! i practiced my hark the herald angels sing duet today....i hope it turns out good. chorus is like the only cool thing at suffolk these days. everyone is auditioning for cabaret, im soo glad im not involved in that at all. no thanks! this dude mentioned something about auditions for joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat. ive already been in it twice in my life but i really really would like to be in it again, its such a blast! i love that musical. so i cant wait to audition for that! we are getting a blizzard tonite, tomorrow and tomorrow nite woohoo! im scared to drive in the snow tomorrow. it scares me so much, angels protect me. im hoping for no school on thur. that would so rock!!!! 5 day weekend baybayyy. i really need to talk to selen. i think she's getting back with her ex. hmm i must talk to her! allison too. she called me i called her. phone tag can be hard sometimes! hmm lets see anything else exciting happen no! pretty uneventful day id say. no sitings of the skinhead ( thank goodness ) i stayed away from that certain computer lab today. mike was actually in pyschology today! i didnt get to sit next to him though cos i got there late. it was kieran's ( from da bronxxxx ) bday! happy 19th kieran. i made him a card during class. back row in psych class kix ass. well im off.........check ya later. peace

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the good ol' dayz

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