This kid is my best friend.

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2000-01-24 - 17:56:55

im listening to like a virgin and for some reason i was thinking it was material girl. well i figured it out. heh. im talking to simon. hes da man. cant wait to see him in a few weeks. i think its going to snow loads tomorrow which sux cos ill be roaming around boston. one cool thing is im meeting selen for lunch. ya! i seriously did nothing at work today.......except i took a deposit to the bank. the rest of the time i tried to read my ethics book and some english crap. i almost feel bad being there getting paid...but not bad enough to do anything about it hahhaha. maybe skool will be cancelled, well i know for sure my nite class will be. i just know that ill be scared driving home from the train station. yesterday allison and i went to the rockingham mall and i swear every single place we went to we got the worst treatment ever. it was almost laughable. and when people werent treating us bad we were just getting looks from everyone. who knows why. i was on a quest this weekend to find the same shoes that i own now since the ones i have now are like broken and hurt when i walk. but no stores have heard of them or have any left. so i dont feel like looking for them anymore and i just ordered some dcs online today. hopefully theyll get here soon. i really want tyler to come here in feb so im going to buy him a ticket if his parents let him come. wish us luck!!!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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