This kid is my best friend.

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2000-01-22 - 22:01:45

hey im talking to ty online. jackie wanted me to go clubbing tonite but im wayyy too tired. her and erin are comin over tomorrow tonite though...cos erin has to come home for some reason i actually forget why but its cool it should be fun. i want hot chocolate! im going to make some in a minute. my sis is here chillin with me and thats coo. i just showed her parts of my ohio video. we laughed cos simon is too funny....and tyler is too cute. hehe well atleast i think so. i worked today it was so cool all i did was go online and do my homework. not a bad way to get paid. oh yeah i answered the phone like 10 times in 6 hours. and it was tyler like 3 times hehe. im looking forward to a day of nothing tomorrow...i honestly havent had a day like that in weeks since on the days i dont have school i work, except sundays!!! i cant wait to sleep late should be quite lovely. im on a budget. i have like 75 dollars and im gonna try to make it til feb 10 without taking any money out of the bank. i think i can do it. i need to save! what else is goin on? nothing much really. i have so many phone calls to return. im so bad. forgive me, please? selen's bro just imd me. hot choc time!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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