This kid is my best friend.

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1999-11-20 - 02:22:45

buffy wont stop meowing, what is her deal?? shes cute, but i dont get her sometimes. now shes bouncing around on my trampoline. i find it funny that she is 12 years old yet she still chases her tale from time to time. it is sooooooooo adorable. ha ha ha, i mean youd think by age 12 shed learned that the tail is attached to her !!!!

i just got back from was a semi-eventful nite. the play went well, but driving to boston was a freakin pain. only one more nite til freedom. yayyyyyy selen lost her wallet but found it in some van. i knew she would! she was so happy that she bought me dinner. well i didnt complain! selen got mad at laural cos she brought all these people into selen's room and selen wasnt even there!! i can really understand where selen is coming from on that one, i mean it is HER ( actually our ) room!!! man. whatever i think they are over it. i was tryin to talk in her turkish accent tonite. its hard!!!! i guess ill just stick to my british one.

im going ice skating tomorrow. i have to get back in the habit. its just for public skating though. i dont have enough guts to go back to my old rink and actually skate with everyone i used to. i would feel so weird. i dont know how everyone would treat me. its crazy, i bet everyone has grown up so much. i used to know them since they were like 8 years old and i bet they are all close to highschool now. that scares me!!! maybe once i get stronger i will go and have a lesson with sheri my old coach. im not up to that yet though, cos i just dont think i can deal. i feel like most of my skating career never happened. it was like a black hole in my life. my friend matt inspired me to just skate for fun though. its cool and its exercise. yah!

im freezing. what else is new?

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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