This kid is my best friend.

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1999-10-25 - 00:11:32

my mom says to take each day as it comes.........but im still sooooooo confused about certain stuff. i dont know if i can take it a day at a time. i need to be true to myself.

i havent written in a few days. i was dead tired last nite as i went to bed @ 6am on fri and got up @ 945am. im complaining to good ol' matty at the mo. he is the man. me him and taylor saw run lola run at the movie theater today. it was a great flick.i dont know what to do...someone help me!!!!!!!!! i hate this feeling. tay and i dyed our hair tonite. well i just did 2 streaks im gonna dye it red like lola's tomorrow. taylor doesnt like how his came out but i think it rocks!!!! whatever to him. i like so many different styles of music its amazing i can listen to anything.........and my throat hurts and i cant sing. hmmm i have a midterm on tues in philosophy. its either gonna be real easy or real hard.

my all time favourite show is on .. the wonder years. it rocks tha casbah!!! im tired but im not going to bed. whats the point i have nothing tomorrowy. i miss selen. i havent talked to her since thur. i bet she did sooo well on her TOEFL's. then she can transfer to northeastern and ill never have to go to bradford again! aw winnie is being mean to kevin........

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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