This kid is my best friend.

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2000-03-12 - 18:42:06

i just talked to this family that im really close with in england on netmeeting. we both have webcameras so we could actually see and here each other. it was so amazing. i miss them so much. they treat my whole family so well. they are like family to us. we are welcome to stay with them anytime. everytime i visit them i have a blast. i love them! its sad how they live so far away though. anyway netmeeting rules. it was so cool to look into their household across the vast ocean.

im going to the macaroni grill tonite with like 8 people i went to highschool with. im really excited because i miss these guys so much! and the restaraunt we are going to is yummy! one of my friends i havent seen since the summer. he's been in the marines this whole time and i really miss him. i cant wait to see how he is doing!

this week is spring break. im working 9-5 mon-thurs and then friday im off to ohio. yipppeeeee!!!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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