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Monday, Feb. 10, 2003 - 10:05 p.m.

sometimes i wish i wasn't so sensitive.

i think girls tend to take things extremely personal. but then again, i know alot of guys who do also. i guess it's a human thing, or maybe it just depends on the person. actually i don't know a ton of guys who do, but it's safe to assume that it is a two way street and feelings are feelings and are shared by both sexes. genders. whatever.

this week is going to be ultra busy, but im so excited at the same time. i can't wait to see my boys tomorrow nite.....(ronny and georgie). matt just sent me "more than words" by, extreme. i would love to sing this song for an audition someday. and i cant wait for my valentine's date with erin. whatever we end up doing will be great. and that is that.

matters of the heart always with-stand every other emotion, time and time again.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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