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Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003 - 6:26 p.m.

i am sooo out of it right now. i wish i could just be home and in bed. i got mad sick at work and i almost fainted. i took a nap and feel kinda better. now im just starving and am waiting for a 3 hour rehearsal to begin. let's hope i make it. i will, i have to but still ahh...thank goodness this week is basically over. i need some quality rest.

time for me to go do some love specialty.

also, i think it's cool cos people at work now refer to me as emily styles. i'm taking over the world.

ps. this girl in the computer lab is talking about how she wants to go study abroad in the middle east. ?!?!?!?!?! what ?!?!?!?! "i want to see it for myself", she says. damn im sure at a loss of words.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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