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Friday, Jan. 24, 2003 - 11:27 a.m.

i always wake up excited on fridays. possibly because it is the best day of the week. and usually because i know later that day i'll be hanging with my girls! im still in my bathrobe, but the cable guy's comin' between 1-3 and someone's changing my fire alarm i guess at any moment. grr i hate random people coming here, but it has to be done i guess. i still keep seeing dumb ass women wearing fur jackets left and right, and it's really beginning to piss me off seriously. do they think they look cool? stylish? rich? grr, think again. last nite when i was walking out of school i saw a woman with one on and i just yelled GRRR at the top of my lungs. i doubt she knew i was doing it at her. haha last year when vegan dan came we did that all the time. hey, it does let out aggression i suppose! i just realized, im all about the word grrr. rarrrrrrrrr! anyway so today im going to erica's at 530, erin will arrive then, we'll do our weekly cooking extravaganza. this week it's homemade veggie pizza. then we're going shopping and to the movies. i think we're seeing just married. honestly i dont really know the plot, but the title gives me some sort of insight. anyway should be good times. i dont know whether to get dressed or not for the random people coming here. i want to exercise first. and i need to go check my real mailbox. i never get mail though, unless its a bill. shucks.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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