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Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003 - 9:16 p.m.

im waiting for the cutest couple on earth to arrive and then we're heading to do some karaoke. they best have some vanessa there. i hope i dont see anyone i went to highschool with. too bad i haven't aged one bit since highschool. (its been almost 5 years since i graduated!) its just funny i guess. my house is 50 degrees i never turned up the heat. whoops. sooo awesome weekend ahead. cannnnt wait. im getting my hair cut tomorrow. i hope it turns out okay.

hmm anything else. oh i might be going on a ski trip with work. that would rock. play rehearsal starts next week. i seriously can not wait. half of the audience is going to be my friends and family. i ammmmmmmm pumped!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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