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Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2002 - 11:03 a.m.

i was sooo bored and restless that i just walked outta my class to the comp lab. im so tired that i cant sit still if that makes any sense. im not in the mood to listening to a boring lecture. blah. anyway, i had a blast in mexico and i still wish i was there, it went by too fast, but then again it's never enough. i did alot of hangin out with cool people and stuff. i learn new things about the culture everytime i go. they really are different than americans in many ways. i appreciate that. its funny how many straight edge/emo/hardcore/punk etc. kids there are there. they rule. i dont know for some reason i never thought there would be that many but there are tons. i sound stupid. whatevaa! now i just need to master the language! rrrrrrrrrright. atleast i know some phrases and the foods which ofcourse are more important. speaking of food i brought home some veggie tamales, fresh tortillas, and tostadas. mmmmm gotta love it. i havent updated in such a long time. ill try to write more often like i used to. i guess i should go back to class. ive been gone for 15 minutes. my friends prob think im like in the bathroom, not quite yo. work today til 630. i look really gross. i then grocery store and home. i just want to sleep...

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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