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Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 - 11:47 p.m.

i got the net back. YAY HOORAY. okay i am so full of chinese vegetables right now i don't know what to do with myself. going to bed would not be the best option but i am exhausted. my days are so long. i have no idea how i fit everything i do into one day. for example on tuesday; i had classes from 830-11:15, then i raced home, drove to work and worked til 5, then drove to central sq to park, took the T back to school and had a dance rehearsal from 7-10. today during one class, i was able to take a quiz successfully, do an assignment for another class, study my song lyrics for a show im in, listen to the lecture while raising my hand and commenting, and act out a scene on stage. all in one class, i have no idea how i pulled that off. being busy is cool cos it makes the time fly by fast and that's what i want to happen. im graduating sooooooooooo soon. it's cool cos when people will ask what grade i'm in (usually implying highschool) i'll be like cya later i have my B.A. - some people have actually thought i was an accelerated student in college, like some whiz kid, but mostly everyone thinks im a freshman. they can think whatever they wish. on a lighter note, Ron, my dance partner RULES! he makes dancing SO fun, and i swear he makes me laugh so damn hard i have no idea how im going to keep a straight face during the show. i guess ill have to try REAL hard. im falling asleep its time for me to go, thank goodness for internet that's all i gotta say.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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