This kid is my best friend.

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Tuesday, Aug. 06, 2002 - 12:14 a.m.

we just got back from a nite on the town with jen and rob. we went to dinner at the cheesecake factory. i was sad because they took the sunshine salad off the menu!!!!!, so i had to settle for the luau salad. it was good, but nothing beats the sunshine salad. im sad that it's gone for good :( then we walked around boston and back to jen's apartment on mission hill. i saw kathleen and jay @ jp lixxx. i have pictures but im too tired to put them up. fer's been here for 4 weeks now, seems much less than that though. weird. we both think that this has been the quickest month ever. lots of memories though........awesome. i can't be sad when he leaves wednesday(even though i know i will) because i'll be seeing him a week later. but still! i dunno, it'll just be sad taking the T home alone, sleeping alone, driving alone, eating alone...etc. oh well, i'll get used to it again eventually. it's just that things are pretty "comfortable" the way they are now. i'm going to be super busy the next week anyway. i dont think i have one nite free except for the nite before i go away. well fer's gonna check his email and im gonna attempt to sleep although i can't sleep with the comp on. so ill force him off asap. one good thing about him leaving, probably the only good thing is that i'll be getting more sleep. i dont think my body can take this 8am work thing much longer especially after going to bed @ 1-2am every's worth it though. goodnite!X (im prob gonna go cry in bed booooo)

ps. i am so stressed about going away, organizing everything etc!!! im always afraid im going to forget something and not have enough time. also, im not flying to mexico directly but im flying to laredo texas which is an hour from monterrey so i have to take a bus across the border by myself!! it'll be an adventure and im sure itll work out but im stil worried that i wont be able to contact fer to tell him what time to get me ahhhhhhhh! just thought id mention that yo!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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