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Thursday, Aug. 01, 2002 - 8:03 a.m.

the days are flyin' by. ofcourse im not diggin' it but im enjoying as well. i just got to work and ofcourse am not awake. i have no idea what i do from 8-1 but somehow i go through the motions of what im supposed to be doing. im wearing a sundress today. its nice out. no bosses in today, so im typing this on the actual diaryland template. no sneakiness needed today. here's a recap of my week.

monday we went to the friendly toast. it was soo enjoyable as usual. got stir fry, fries, and ate some of ericaster's almond joy pancakes. we went to hampton after and took a million photo booth pictures. im smiling just thinking of that right now. tuesday was a lazyyyyy day. fer and i watched anime in my bed all day and then that nite we went to Rob's (fer's friend's house - actually his gfs apartment) and they made us dinner!!! and we watched videos too. it was soooo nice, they were wicked rad...i had met them at hellfest. it's strange that fernando actually has a friend here in boston but he does. i guess he met rob back in 2000 when his band was on tour in texas and whenever fer went to see them they would talk and stuff and last year at hellfest Fer had no money to get in so Rob got him in for free cos his band was playing(One King Down-but later to find out they didn't end up playin cos the rest of the band didn't show up, they aren't even together anymore too bad :(:( ) but i thought that was so nice he hooked up fer, this guy has like a heart of gold and im glad we chilled with him and jen his gf. we're gonna try and get together one more time next week. yesterday we lounged all day and at nite we hit up buddha's and fanueil hall. it was fun times let me tell ya. today we gotta pack up when i get home from work cos we're stayin' at my mom's tonite and then tomorrow heading to north conway for the weekend. our last little get-away before he leaves :( i'm gonna be strong about this, i promise. i'm in deep but i'll rise above........i guess i should get to work. i want other people to arrive not many people are here yet. ohhhh well not too much longer. lataX

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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