This kid is my best friend.

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Saturday, May. 25, 2002 - 2:22 p.m.

im rocking out to bane. YES. that's all i gotta say is YES. chillin like a villain in ma mere's casa. francais y/et espanol in one saying. i went to a prom last nite. it was with labaki for his school boston latin academy. we were the hottest ones there hands down. no doubt. it was fun being able to dress up. everyone was really nice. his school is really culturally diverse. all schools should be like that if they can. it was funny, whenever a rap song came on the whole dance floor would go OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! ha ha i loved it. i am going to see THE band tonite. the band of the hour, jupiter sunrise. this will be the last time i see them for a long time. i can not wait to be immersed in the transe of the smiles. im expecting it to be good times X's 10. my moms away, im staying here for the weekend, taking care of the cats and just illin'. i love it when she goes grocery shopping for me. she knows me so well, ie. 2 mini canolli's waitin for me in the refrigizerator. im gonna take a nap. lataxxx

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the good ol' dayz

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