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Sunday, May. 19, 2002 - 1:23 a.m.

i hate how im so defensive. people joke with me all the time. friends, co-workers..etc. yet i still try to defend myself. i feel stupid when they say im just kidding! i always have to make up an explanation for whatever it is they are having a go at me about. there usually is some sort of reasoning behind everything, but still i need to lighten up sometimes.

i am really relating well with someone right now over relationship issues. i can understand so well the whole break up process. speaking from tons of experience i guess i could say i know what's up. i really like giving people advice on this stuff and trying to help them out. im usually right on target when it comes to broken hearts.

im feelin alot of love tonite with all my online pals. its great. its 138am and all my favorite people are online..well minus one ofcourse, but still this rocks. i dont want tonite to ever end.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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