This kid is my best friend.

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Friday, Apr. 05, 2002 - 9:49 a.m.

hahahhahah this is so funny hahahahhaha!!!! okay in my computer class i showed up like almost 30 min late and he let us out after i was there for about 10 minutes and the teacher comes over to me and hands me a book on computers and was like i want you to have this, you're # 2 in the class. i was like huh okay thanks hahahah. it was sooo funny considering i dont even try in the class and i dont know jack about computers but for some reason he thinks i do. its called:

a) everyone in the class must be completely dumb

b) i have a photographic memory and memorize everything before the tests

hes like try harder and you can be #1 - i was like okay dude!!!!

hahahha i dont know why i still find this funny, i guess you had to be there. its friday. my life sux this weekend (rehearsal friday nite, saturday day and nite, sunday day and nite - somehow i have to work in going home to my mother's tonite sleeping there and doing the same tomorrow nite...i need sleep and i do it best there and also have to take care of the cats cos shes away), but is friday. another week down. 2 more of hell, 3 more of classes, 4 more til summerrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! xxx

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the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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