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Tuesday, Feb. 05, 2002 - 10:06 p.m.

im gonna get to bed @ a reasonable hour this evening for sure. i just have to force myself to bed in like 10 min. vegan dan keeps reading my mind. Vegedge200: haha...xbrosis telepathy 4 lifex

i have an espanol exam tomorrow. wish me luck. i studied but even if im confident or semi confident something turns up and i totally blank out or something of the sort. ill do my best, thats all i can do. i felt like i was getting the flu earlier but im feeling better now. during the day im always tired and then when the sun sets i get like this energy boost. its quite annoying, cos every day during the day im like "im going to go to bed at like 8pm tonite, i feel awful how could i stay up!!!!" and then at nite i feel fine and i dont wanna go to bed and the cycle continues....i was so happy tonite. i just happened to turn on my phone and a text message appeared from my GREAT friend erin. she goes to school in syracuse. all it said was "does this work?" haha i was all excited and called her back and she was at a starbucks and i knew exactly what she was drinking (white chocolate mocha) and she went into the bathroom to talk to me. noone there understands the patriots and none of her friends adore tom brady like erin and i do!!!! we were like screaching on the phone for 5 min about it. well now, she can text me for free, which owns. i was studyin tonite and suddenly i heard a beep and the screen displayed this message: TOM BRADY ALL THE WAY

i love that girl. gotta go ring my dad. laterrrrrrrr

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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