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Thursday, Jan. 24, 2002 - 9:21 p.m.

im not in a good mood but im not in a bad mood either. im really exhausted. i just realized this now. i was at call backs for over 3 hours. 3 hours of reading lines, singing, and observing. i feel i did extremely well, but i also came to a realization that even if i did, i dont think im going to get the part i want. shes going to give it to the same girl who always gets it, and ill be shafted with some lame ass role. im used to it though. whatever, its only suffolk university. i just ate a ton of food: brocolli pizza, a brownie, a cookie, hot chocolate, and some starbusts although i shouldn't really eat them cos they have gelatin in them but i was desperate for sugar. i neeeeeeeed sugar alot right now. which leads me to another thing as to why im not really happy. i have crampssssssssss. sux. i should be used to it by now i guess. ok third thing, it feels like a friday, but its i have school tomorrow. talk about not wanting to deal. granted im done by 11:50 but i can't be bothered to take the effort. but, ofcourse i must. last thing, i miss the sweet & cute boy i talk to ALOT. he is working right now....and i won't prob talk to him til tomorrow. im calling him this weekend, so that makes me feel a litttttttle better, but i wanna be talking to him right now...but anyway time for the positive stuff! tomorrow is friday..the weekend is coming. no work til monday. tomorrow nite, spending it with matt..he's sleepin over. um...saturday, relax all day...and celebrate my mom's bday at nite. erin's also comin home from syracuse for a couple days. sunday...cheesecake factory with allison and erin. that should be alot of fun. soo although im in a =/ mood right sure by tomorrow around this time ill be more like :) ok its gonna turn in...maybe wake up in the middle of the nite and see if <3fer is online. ok im going to dry my hair now.........

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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