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Thursday, Jan. 17, 2002 - 10:03 p.m.

i hate it when i sign off aol and then realize i need to send an email. doh to the mizaaaxx. anyway today was a nice day. work was good, flew by and the people rock. im making money finally. what a concept! i left work and received a voicemail from my bro vegan dan wishing me luck for tonite: auditions for gypsy at school. after 5.5 hours of them seeing people they saw me....i was the last to go. saved the best for last ofcourse haha jk. i believe i kicked ass and took a few names...but who knows for probably getting called back on tuesday to do some more readings and possibly sing more. dance is tomorrow, that should be fun. i love dancing, plus my teacher's the choreographer so im used to her style. watch me not even make it. haha i wouldnt be that surprised though. ahh the politics of theater, the politics of life. and thats the way it is. nite<3

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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