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Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002 - 9:34 p.m.

i was so dumb and stayed up til nearly 1am last nite and suffered during work today. luckily i was busy the whole time doing miscellaneous stuff. its cool, i think alot while im there. good stuff mostly. one downfall,.......there is no music, it sounds so quiet. i have this little radio at my desk but it doesnt work its all i have songs in my head all day. i already got invited to a party that everyone in my department is goin to, i must be doin somethin right. they joked with me about my age, i guess noone could tell how old i was. this one guy's like so did ya get your working papers yet??? -jokingly after i revealed the truth about my age. this is just something im used to. people's reactions....i get it ALL the time. its so old. its older than the phonograph. heh anywayyyyyy im all clean and ready for bed. no more showers in the morning for emily, atleast during the week. i cant possibly take the effort so early in the morning! time to brush up and cuddle with winnie the pooh. nitenite<3

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the good ol' dayz

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