This kid is my best friend.

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Monday, Dec. 03, 2001 - 12:54 p.m.

feeling: pretty ok

song in my head: You literature and music II-this is just one of those classes where i NEVER pay attention and it doesn't even matter! it's good, but bad at the same time. good in the sense i can think about whatever i want. bad because time goes by extra slow and thinking too much in my own thoughts can make me go crazy. writing does help some. my teacher is so nice though. i dont think he can ever get mad. i have to go to the bathroom but im scared of public restrooms. a fear i must overcome every school day. i dunno. i look crapppp! my outfit is retarded. kappa pants as usual. a green shirt thats like fake adidas. a pac-sun specialty of 1997. i actually wore this shirt for my senior photo. everyone else had these so-called "nice" pics and then there's sportin' my pig tail braids and rock and roll type shirt. i wrote in my caption "drug free & sober til death" but they cut out the "& sober" part. Lame. did they not believe me or something? oh well. im rambling. im scared he's gonna call on me. hes only called on me twice all semester. hmmmm. ive got dance next. im too tired. then im going to the MFA. i wish i could fast forward today!! i dont think my diary could get any more unentertaining. this is it heh. i guess when i come back to read this junk ill be reminded of how boring ive gotten. i read my old stuff to re-live memories. i USED to be fun! oh well. c'est la vie...there's an emo girl 2 seats over. i can only see her feet-i must describe them! Brite pink generic sneakers, red shoelaces with hearts, black socks with rainbow stars-and rolled up jeans. if she only knew i was documenting her emo-ness ha!! almost time for my cookies and cream granola bar. then i get to pick up my cassette that i dropped off at the language lab with the scary girl. she's so unfriendly and freaky! i need someone to hold my hand.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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