This kid is my best friend.

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Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2001 - 2:47 p.m.

im a rebel. i skipped dance class. =X heh. its freeeeeeeezing and windy today. totally unfun walking to and from the T. its gonna get soo much worse though. i refuse to break out my winter jacket til december. its tradition. ill be in full winter denial until december. then it will just be winter depression. ha speaking of depression daylight savings.....not this weekend, but next weekend. i hate it! on a more positive note, im talking to adam da bomb one of my best friends. i really miss that kid. we only see each other like 4 or 5 times a year at the most, but we are still as tight as can be. we can go months without talking, but know we are thinking about each other subconciously 24/7. ya gotta love friendships like that. k 2 hours to relax til i leave for my final dress rehearsal! can't wait til that's over cos im going to dante's house after xoxo

neverwillyouhurt: dude check what i just wrote in my journal

adamj3333: ok

adamj3333: awesome

adamj3333: you just gave me chills

adamj3333: and put a huge smile on my face

miss styles putting smiles on faces since 1979.......

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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