This kid is my best friend.

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2001-06-23 - 11:29 a.m.

It�s been a good past few days�chillin out maxin with special people doin fun stuff. Thursday nite Erin and I took out Allison for her 21st bday. They both got drinks w.out getting carded�.i think they look young though. I don�t understand the concept of alcohol costing so much..erin got a martini and it was $7.12!!!!! **shameless sxe plug** being straight edge you save a lot of money and for those who count their calories it�s a lot healthier heh. Id be broke if I drank I think. Because I think I would get addicted to it, I know nothing about it , I have no idea what it feels like to be intoxicated but knowing me I�d prob be really bad about it� I�d rather not even try.This guy at my work always calls me sally..its funny cos I respond to it as if were my real name. He�s just like sally I�m goin out I�ll be back in an hour heh. Im like ok!! Vegandan got a puppy�.6 week old black lab mixed that was abandoned. Her name is annie. Cuuuuuuuute! On to yesterday�I slept late but I didn�t feel well rested�I had a headache from the club (we went to axis after dinner) so that didn�t help. Went out grocery shopping for the party on Sunday, we�re having a party for my grandmother�s 85th bday. You�d never believe she is though�she looks like she�s atleast 20 years younger. It�s pretty crazy. Last nite I picked up dante and labaki in Lowell at the train station and we went over erica�s and went swimming, it was fun!! ;) then later matt and Derek arrived and dante and Erica went swimming again but I was too cold so I just checked my email inside whilst everyone else got eaten alive. By 9 we were all stahvin so we headed out to a Chinese rest. In Billerica�.it started out chill but by the end the boys were wearin napkins around their faces and brown paper bags on their heads. There was like a whole 8th grade class there after their graduation dance and they pretty annoying to say the least so everyone just started screaming random stuff. I never laughed so hard. Even the people at the table next door got into the action. We got a picture of it all. It gets better tho. Let�s just put it this way the parking lot +Erica�s Car + Muzak Blaring + silly boys moshing + crazy kids from next door table breakdancing = An extremely funny site! We rented some random movie that I couldn�t watch cos there was blood and killing and ahhh stuff my eyes and mind don�t like! So we just chilled awhile more and then I brought the boys back to home at like 145am. Here I am now, at post road cahpets�chillin with mah salezdudes. Thinkin� about what I(we) want for lunch. I�m going to matt�s graduation party tonite. It should be fun I guess there�s gonna be a DJ or something..and ofcourse food! That�s always a plus. I don�t wanna be out late tonite. I need rest. Tomorrow im looking at an apartment in Somerville I think�we�ll see. The other one didn�t work out because the landlord wont let me reknew the lease in September? Lame-yeah I�d say so considering the location was perfect! Ie. Only 2 streets away from my school�oh well.. wasn�t meant to be I guess. I�ll find something..i know I will. I have time�im not like In a rush but itd be good to know whats goin down. We�ll see we�ll see. I�m gonna end this with a thought I realized last nite...Doogie Howser IS the ORIGINAL ONLINE JOURNALER!!!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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