This kid is my best friend.

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2001-06-05 - 9:42 p.m.

highlites of my weekend:

Harvard Sq. with Dante

Winning Kiss Concerts Tickets for a poster I made

Going to Walmart with Da Bomb, Erin, and Dante at 9am

Joe Macintire smiling and winking at me

Dancing to 'Brian Wilson' by Barenaked Ladies

Watching random 10 year olds come up and dance with Da bomb

Seeing Ricki Martin in real life

Singing BBmak to Dante while they played live in the background

Getting free deoderant and a Tommy Hilfiger waterbottle

Sleeping in Dante's arms

Japanese food


The Japanese Funk band outside Lix'

Dante's little songs that he makes up

Copley Square

Yeah, I had fun.

Dante and I are so silly. We both happened to go shopping with our mom's tonite and we both happened to get home at the same time and we both happened to get cool clothes so we're taking pics of them and sending them to each other. It's funny cos he's actually putting each outfit on, taking a pic, and sending it to me. I'm just takin pics of mine on the hanger cos I'm lazy and comfy in my pjs already. Dude we are such dorks.

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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