This kid is my best friend.

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2001-05-15 - 10:26 p.m.

im talkin to both members of the skinny boy death squad right now, they are also both members of the thursday nite is hoppin.

this lady at work was mean to me today. shes like every time i come in george isnt here! (it was like 530 too helllo they do have a life) blah blah blah, whine whine whine. anyway when lance went to help her out she was all nice to him. i was offended to say the least. why was she nice to him and not me? prob cos im wearing a purple bandana and a purple bindi on my forehead. excuse me for livin on the edge. kidding, heh.

the governer of MA had twin baby girls. too bad i have no idea who our governer is. my mom just told me, but i mean does it really matter? i think not.

its 10:30pm. im falling asleep. it seems like im always tired, i cant help it. my eyes are closed as i type this sentence. woo i only made one mistake. well i corrected it so if i look back i can't tell.

tonite was my last rehearsal. it's called a brush up cos that's basically what we did. brush up our lines and songs. we did the whole show sitting in the audience. our director gave us all gifts for the brush up. what else? but hair brushes. he's quite the character.

my tummy is full of oreo ice cream. i think i ate a bit too much.

last but not least......a new website to check out.

Vegan Dan's Collage Gallery!

ps. i just took a pic of what's on my bed right now!!!!!! a bear!!!!!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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