This kid is my best friend.

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2001-03-08 - 03:29:19

i skipped 2 classes this morning and i dont really care. in computer, i didnt listen to one word the teacher said and in improvisation class i was 1 of 4 students who actually showed up.(there's normally 15) i had to race to park st so i could get to alewife by 730 so my dad could pick me up, rush me to rehearsal so i could be "only" an hour late. it's 10:08 and i just got home. tomorrow is set out to be just as busy. im working 9-3 then i gotta go to school cos im doing lights for some latin music concert. random, i know....but i need tech hours for my class so why not. it sux cos it's my sis' b-day tomorrow...her and my mom are going to the north end for dins and i can't go. the one good thing about it is it'll be wayne and i chillin in the lighting booth. he's the cool cat i talked about in a previous atleast i'll have good company. Lainey has informed me that the Alf marathon is on right now. i forgottttttttt...doh. she thought my buddy icon of yum yum was a popple, and then a wuzzle hehe. close but no cigar hunny! all i can think about is getting outta here. i cant wait to be in a totally opposite environment. in 3 days ill be on the beach soaking up sun, smelling the saltwater, hearing the sounds of the waves...ahhhh. and in 4 days i'll be in my fave place in the world. (besides england) DISNEY WORLD!!!! it hasn't hit me yet at all....i keep saying im going, but i dont know i just dont believe it yet. i cant wait to kiss this snow goodbye for a week. im reallly gonna miss the internet though. how pathetic am i? well not really i sure many can relate.

damn straight yo

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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