This kid is my best friend.

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2001-02-21 - 02:48:10

even if you were broke my love don't cost a thing.

im home alone ! my mom is in florida for the week. it's just me, mis-chee-bear(mischief), and boo-bear(buffy) my cats. me and my sister have all these nicknames we call them. they are sooo funny and make ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. we call them the bears, boofy, buffy-puffy, ski, skier, funny, bunnies, boo-y, baby boo boo, skippy, chicky, honey, sillys, chicken nugget, nugs, babybunny. i could go on. the one im boggled about mostly is ski. we call them ski all the time. why??????? i can't even tell ya..who calls their cats ski? or refers to them both as 'the skiers'. emilystyles and molly do that's who!! alright this is getting off the hook. hahah well not really but im laughing at myself here. one other thing is i always talk to them in french. i was just explaining this to someone. im always like bonjour boofy! ou est la bear?? ca va? heheh. they gotz to be tri-lingual.!

anywayyyy im enjoying having the house to myself although i haven't really been home that much. liz and i saw SAVE THE LAST DANCE saturday nite. it was great...sean patrick scott. hot damn. ha! i stayed up til 4am last nite talking to Paul..i had to be up by 9 so im really draggin right now. i think im going to go eat a chocolate muffin. yes, and a spring coloured double stuf'd oreo

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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