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2001-02-06 - 03:24:14

word definitely gets round fast in England. the first thing 3 different people say to me when they sign online today you sent Dan a Valentine huh? i guess i should be careful what i do, but then again not that it was a bad gesture. i thought it would be a cute and/or sweet thing to do. i just find it amusing if you do or say one thing, everyone somehow finds out about it. I love Valentine's Day. Allison gave me a chocolate heart filled with mini M & M's. how cute is that. The stores are filled with an array of various goodies for the holiday. i NEED to stock up. i think the neatest thing is the heartshaped altoids box. that and ofcourse the cinnamon hearts ;) CLASSIC. People always seem to take February 14 as an excuse to get all depressed or something if they don't necessarily have a "special someone" to either share it with or go out on a date with or anything to that effect. I find statements like that lame, weak, and unoriginal.(i dont think im being cold or heartless either, its time people stop being so dependent on such aspects! im not saying stuff like that is bad and i wouldnt complain if i were with someone;) but i mean life goes on!!) It's just a fun day of pretty colours(red + pink) telling people you love 'em and eating good candy. Nothing to be depressed or sad about. And if you are feeling sad about not having someone then you should take that day as an excuse to send someone a secret admirer letter, ask a person out, tell them they look nice, heck even say hello to your crush. It's fun~!! I LOVE IT. Too bad I have classes all day that day...Too bad most of the people in my classes are SNOBS!!!! Too bad I'll never sink to their level. That's Theatre for ya,...something I deal with day to day..a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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