This kid is my best friend.

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2001-01-15 - 21:05:44

I'm back in the states. one word to describe my adventure....AMAZING. im sad to be home but i have things here going for me so it's not totally bad. the flight coming back wasn't that bad at all ( people who know me, understand how i'm TERRIFIED of flying ) i watched two movies what lies beneath and one called starred minnie driver..i have never heard it, it was soo good though i really recommend it. i sorta cried at the end too hehe. i miss my friends so much. we had a great week...i literally was hanging out with them the whole time. Bean taught me how to do a links page so if you go to the older page you can notice that i have a link to a links page finally!!!! Thursday nite the 3 lads took me out to dinner. it was soo nice and sweet of them! we had a blast. we had fondu for dessert it was sooo good but they didnt give us enough marshmellows or strawberries and too many grapefruit!! grapefruits + melted chocolate = bad combo!!! i went to school with bean on friday and met the cooooolest people..they were so funny. i got asked so many typical questions. this girl theresa was like OH a REAL LIFE american!!!!! will you be my friend??? will you write me every day?? i wish i had an accent. wow etc etc hehehe. she was totally funny. i didnt end up going to any classes cos bean had like all these free periods and then i just ended up staying with the people i met. i met this kid big al..and we were talking about the election cos ofcourse people wanted to know what was up with that. anyway i was telling them how if i had been able to vote i would have voted for nader. they had never heard of him so i was education them and stuff and i took out my nader/la duke pin and big al wore it all day and was going around saying "VOTE NADER!!!!!" it was sooo hilarious. i let him keep the pin also ;) i got tons of email addy's so hopefully i'll keep in touch with everyone!!!! i'm actually speaking with Dan right now...he's this punk kid who's in some band or something. for some reason skateboarding is really beginning to pick up over there. they are so behind on the times hehe. sorry..i dont wanna get in trouble for saying anything derogatory but i am just joking. so friday nite we all slept at England's house ( yes his last name is England, first name Richard ). we didn't get much sleep but it was fun. andy made pizzas..he even made me brocolli pizza cos he knows how much i love it. saturday we went in to Leeds and shopped all day. it reminded me alot of boston. i purchased some cool stuff....a shirt that has snog on it heheh, a Euro-ish jacket, this cool hat by this good company ( so bean says ) called DuckNCover, and ofcourse loads of sweets!!!!! basically i had a rockin' time. tonite im off to develop my 3 disposable hopefully i can make a photos page ASAP. i can't wait to see how they all turned out. im gonna end this with a part of an email i received from andy this was REALLY sweet and touched my heart(sounds lame but its true)

I gotta say, you have to speak to Bean asap!

He is soo lonely in his house now... he misses having someone with him... we all love ya soo much! hehe!

Bet ya think we are all wierd!

Its like this village has been shut out from the real world and then like we have a new girl come or something...

I just feel kinda sorry for him...

Y'know having you stay was great, cos it really has brought me and bean closer as friends... are you sure you are not an angel... U came, everyone becomes friends, me and bean make up, I get my first ever girlfriend!???????


Reply soon...

TTYL, love andy XxXxxXxXXXXXxxXXXXxxxxXXXXXXxxxXXXx (random x's!)

isn't that soooo sweet???

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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