This kid is my best friend.

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2001-01-02 - 23:46:40

confused is what i am. so many thoughts racing through my mind. i hope i dont forget anything. my room is a mess and that is so rare for me. it never is, but there's no room to put anything so it sits here all cluttered. my bed covered in cds, miscellaneous shower products, important documents, magazines. i have a list so i wont forget anything. i dont know whats going on with school. my classes ( well i dont have any yet but when i do ) will be all messed up. most of the core ones are closed and i have so many of those that i still need to take. basically within the next hour i have to come up with a schedule and 3 diff alternate schedules cos i wont be here for the orientation. area codes. there are gonna be 8 area codes now. i just heard it on the news. there are only 3 now....but soon there will be 8. i dont understand why but thats gonna be fun(not.). i gotta remember everyone's address, i hope i dont forget anyone. i need batteries..thank goodness i have my list. id rather just stay online all nite and forget all the tasks i must do. i got the traveler's cheques while in boston today. selen and i met for lunch at marche. mmmm crepes for dessert with bananas choc sauce and ice cream.heaaaaaven. as a recap, happy new year everyone.(that didnt make sense) i hope you all had fun. i was in boston raisin' hell with derek. (and like 11 other nerds..erm i mean people. hehe) the highlite of the nite was Dante and club 2001 where Derek and i tour up that place admist the 14 year olds grinding. we showed them what was up. eminem's mom is gonna be on channel 5 tonite at 7. i wanna see what she looks like. i saw erica last nite. havent seen her since the summer. the girl rocks my world. blue practices start when i get back. we're gonna do it consistently. we're trying out a new guitarist. he seems sweet and he's been playing for 4 years. im sure itll work out good. we got our practice space and Toby got his cymbals back. so soon we will be in full effect. word. this entry is not flowin' but i dont care cos im just typing thoughts as they come to my head. it happens. im stayin at my dad's tonite and taking a limo with the dude who owns my work cos he's goin to the airport at the same time as me. 6am. i got the BEST watch. email me for the details. alright, i am done for now.....i will update while in england..til, bye bye bye!

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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