This kid is my best friend.

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2000-12-29 - 04:50:31

i need to get to bed at a reasonable time tonite. i stayed up til 5am this morning and called in sick. i wont be able to work saturday cos of the blizzard which means i have to get up early so i can make $$$$ before it's too late! tomorrow's my last day until after i get back from england!!! last nite at starbucks when i was with dante i met some crazy characters. they were nice and one was from montreal. i was diggin' the french accent. i started speaking french to him but he spoke wayyy too fast for my liking! i ended politely with a lame je ne parle pas francais tres bien. im talking to rachel. she's moving into a new apartment on monday. natalka's back at osu cos she has work. im sad. my crew will be there sans(without) moi. i like it here in MA and all but there was just something about there that i can't let go of..i never will. i think it was the sense of independence/freedom i finally had attained and the awesome people i encountered day to day. well now that im gone i can focus on other things. i talked to the head of theater department at suffolk today and i am meeting with her on tuesday to schedule my classes. it was so nice of her to let me do this because the day im really supposed to do it i'll be out of the country and it was gonna be a huge mess. it really made me feel good when she said we are all delighted that you are coming back. she rocks! aiite i have 6 ims to tend to. and i must check the weather so i can see if i can meet with Dante in boston tomorrow nite. im sure itll be fine. sweet dreams xxx Love, Emilystylesxxx

breaking news!

the good ol' dayz

please write meeeeee!


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