This kid is my best friend.

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2000-12-17 - 17:33:48

it's really grey out but warm, so i guess that's better than nothing. i'm listening to bane. JIMMY would be happy. hahah i have been soo sick these past few days..i woke up with thursday feeling XTRA nauteous realizing i had a case of the winter tummy flu. sux cos i never get that. or i can't remember the last time i have. man this tune is jammin' hehe. sorry random. this kid online has been kinda like pestering me about hanging out with him. (no, rory im not talking about you, i really did wanna go ice skating friday and im sad we couldnt but do not despair we will go out soon!!! xxx )(Dana im not talking about you either hunny hehehe)it has gotten to the point where everytime he signs on he ims me and i just wanna say get a life stop bothering me. im not mean or anything and he hasnt done anything mean to me. in fact, he's overly nice to me. i dunno maybe that's just like a total turn off or something. but i like nice boys. hmm its soo bizarre. all i can say is im getting majorly annoyed and i dont know what to do. i know ill never hang out with him. i just have a bad feeling about the whole thing and i can't really pinpoint it. on another note, *Selen* has been here since Wednesday and because of my sickness i have not been able to see her yet. :*( BUT tomorrow nite me her and liz will be attending Laura's little thing in Fanueil Hall. Her quintet is going to be playing xmas songs or something. should be fun to see everyone. im going with aaron to see what women want at 350. im kinda psyched to see the movie and aaron. he rules. i seriously havent seen the kid in like almost 2 years. wickidy whack!!!!!(or however you spell that.) i've been obsessed with something called paltalk lately. its talk in chat rooms on microphones!! i have beaus in scotland and northern ireland now. heheheheh um and also i got a "call" from someone on friday and it was ERIC my main osu man i guess he downloaded paltalk at his friends house. it was soo cool to hear him we were laughin like always hehe. we were raisin' some hell in chat rooms and we made one up called lemon pepper chicken (its one of our jokes) and people actually came in, i was like um why would you come in a room entitled that. haha im sure noone can find any of this humourous but that is OK! anyway it was great to talk to him. i am on the waiting list for housing at suffolk. im prayin i get in, everyone pray for me. s'il vous plait. that would be grand to get a dorm or apt. on a sadder not i feel really bad rachel. she has been having some real sad times. i was just talking to her, actually still am. i wish i was there.everyone go read her journal, sign her guestbook. Tell her you love her

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